As an instructor, a great deal of time and effort is placed into creating challenging yet purposeful quiz questions. In terms of grading, multiple answer, multiple choice, and true/false are some of the most efficient question types; however, if students at large have selected the wrong answers for a question or two, it might be time to consider the Canvas re-grade function.
With the regrade function, multiple answer, multiple choice, and true/false questions can be edited after the quiz has already been administered and taken so that student grades are recalculated to reflect the most up-to-date scores.
Regrade Options
To begin editing, select the quizzes tab in the course navigation:
Find the quiz you'd like to edit and select the three dots to the right. Once selected, choose the edit option:
Select the questions tab, and then find the question you'd like to edit by selecting the pencil icon:
The steps from this point on will depend on whether the question type is multiple answer, multiple choice, or true/false.
A. Multiple Answer Questions
Hover over the answer you'd like to select as your additional correct answer. A green arrow will appear, and you can click this to select the additional answer:
Choose your regrade option and select "update question" and then save:
B. Multiple Choice Questions
Hover over the answer you'd like to select as your new correct answer, and click the green arrow once again:
Choose a regrade option from a new list of options, and update and save once again:
C. True/False Questions
Find the question you'd like to edit and hover over the answer to select the green arrow for the new correct answer:
Choose the regrade option, update, and save:
Regrade Option Explanations:
For more information on the individual options, below is some further explanation.
Multiple Correct Answers:
- Choose this option if you’d like to add another correct answer in addition to the original correct answer.
- This option is not available for Multiple Answer Questions
Wrong Correct Answer:
- If an incorrect answer gets marked as a correct answer, then this option allows you to award points for the correct answer.
Give Everyone Full Credit:
- This option gives every student full credit for the question regardless of the marked correct answer.
Future Update:
- This option updates the quiz question without regrading the quizzes of students who have already taken it.
Student View
Once you make the desired regrade changes, students will receive a similar notification when they click the original quiz: